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CIRS Chronic inflammatory response syndrome caused by mold toxicity or Lyme disease is becoming a recognizable worldwide problem. Those that suffer of or from this miserable condition are making professionals become aware of this debilitating illness, But they still get their labs drawn, but many people who don’t know how to understand their CIRS/mold toxicity lab results. That’s why we put together simple descriptions of the individual CIRS markers.


The normal range for VEGF is 31-86 pg/ml. This is often found abnormal in people with CIRS. Low levels can prevent oxygenation to tissues and affects the mitochondria of the cells causing fatigue and muscle pain.

It is a result of high cytokine levels and causes poor capillary perfusion. Levels can also be high which usually isn’t as symptomatic and can resolve with treatment. Low VEGF can be improved by high doses of fish oil and a low-amylose diet for about a month.


In people with CIRS, androgens are often low and estrogen is high. This is due to the conversion of androgens to estrogen in the body. It happens because of aromatization.

Androgens are hormones such as DHEA and testosterone which are needed for muscle growth, libido, energy, and hair growth. DHEA is usually given to people who have low androgen levels.

The levels of estradiol, DHEA and testosterone should be monitored with this therapy to make sure estrogen isn’t further increasing. Aromatase inhibitors might be given to prevent the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.

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