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AuntieGen provides News from around the world regarding mold and it’s effect on our world.
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High levels of carbon dioxide, mould found in homes on Ontario reserves:

study By Kelly Geraldine Malone – The Canadian Press

A study has found air inside homes on four remote First Nations in northwestern Ontario contained carbon dioxide, fine particles, mould and other substances that increase the risk of respiratory infections. A welcome sign for the Lac Seul First Nation west of Sioux Lookout, Ont., on April 24, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Colin Perkel. JCO/CNP


Editor’s Note: This is a corrected story. A previous version said carbon monoxide was found in the homes.

A study has found air inside homes on four remote First Nations in northwestern Ontario contained carbon dioxide, fine particles, mould and other substances that increase the risk of respiratory infections. The report’s author, David Miller, a distinguished research professor at Carleton University, says there are ways to improve ventilation.

“This is an opportunity not a black hole,” said Miller.

The study published last month tested the air in 101 homes on Lac Seul First Nation, Kasabonika Lake First Nation, Sandy Lake First Nation and Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation. Three of the communities aren’t accessible by road except during a short time in winter.

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Families Traumatized by Violence Face Crime Scene Cleanup

AuntieGen Crime scene cleanup

By ANNA ORSO, The Philadelphia Inquirer

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — In the days after Patricia Norris was murdered in her West Oak Lane home, her family was busy planning the unexpected funeral, and investigators had finished collecting evidence. But no one told the Norris family what they’d find when they came back to the house to collect Patricia’s belongings

Renee Norris-Jones, Patricia’s sister, stepped into the basement, shocked to see blood still on the walls. She remembers crying and thinking: My God, the police were just here with the yellow tape. They don’t clean this stuff up?

That was 22 years ago. Patricia — whom family called “Tricie” — was killed by her husband in a murder-suicide. So for Norris-Jones, herself a survivor of intimate-partner violence, seeing the aftermath was “trauma on top of trauma.”

The image remains seared in her memory.

“To know that that was the flesh of my flesh, that was my sister there?” said Norris-Jones, now 63, of Philadelphia. “You can’t forget that.”

Two decades later, the protocols for what happens after police collect evidence at a homicide scene remain largely the same. If the shooting occurs on a sidewalk or city street, the Fire Department may clean the area. But if it took place inside or outside a private home or vehicle, cleanup and repair are up to whomever is responsible for that property. In many cases that means the victim’s family, biological or chosen.

And so as rates of gun violence soar, more Philadelphians each year find themselves in situations like the one Norris-Jones did decades ago. That can mean turning a corner to come upon a gruesome scene with no warning. Or it can be the kin of a homicide victim getting a call from police to retrieve a car with an interior covered in blood. Those responsible for the cleanup expose themselves to potentially hazardous material, then have to live with what they saw.

Today, there’s a burgeoning effort to push the city to both take responsibility for cleaning homicide scenes before families see them, and to train police in having trauma-informed communications with families.

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Recent rains prompt mold questions

By Donna Krug / District Director and Family & Consumer Science Agent – Cottonwood Extension District

It didn’t take long for the recent rains to bring a number of mold and mildew related questions to the Extension office. The saying “Water always wins” is so true. Whether it is a crack in the foundation, a leaky roof, or the water table raising so that water enters a basement or crawl space, water damage can take a toll on the health and well-being of family members.

Molds are usually not a problem during dry weather. However, when mold spores land on a wet or damp spot and begin growing, it doesn’t take long for a problem to develop. Molds have the potential to cause health problems. Molds produce allergens, irritants, and in some cases, potentially toxic substances. Inhaling or touching mold or mold spores may cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Molds can also cause asthma attacks in people with asthma who are allergic to mold. In addition, mold exposure can irritate the eyes, skin, nose, throat and lungs of both mold-allergic and nonallergic people.

Mold needs food in order to grow. Organic compounds like the back side of dry wall, wallpaper or paneling, the top side of ceiling tiles, or the underside of carpets and pads can feed mold. If wet or damp materials or areas are dried 24-48 hours after a leak or spill happens, in most cases mold will not grow. So you must act quickly when water damage happens.

During a flood cleanup, the indoor air quality in your home or office may appear to be the least of your problems. However, failure to remove contaminated materials and to reduce moisture and humidity can present serious long-term health risks. Standing water and wet materials are a breeding ground for microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria, and mold. They can cause disease, trigger allergic reactions, and continue to damage materials long after the flood.

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Pregnant woman concerned after neighbor discovers potential mold growing in apartment complex

A mother living at the Marbella Apartments is speaking out about the mold entering her unit. She says mold is growing through the walls in the unit beneath hers and claims management did not warn her.

The mom did not want to be identified but says her family has lived in the apartment for almost a year, unaware of the toxic. She has a ten-month-old son and is six months pregnant. She says it was her neighbor who after finding the door wide opened, took a look inside and alerted them.

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Firefighters find mold inside Nashville fire station

The Nashville Fire Department has temporarily closed a fire station after mold was found inside. Station 24, located at 3851 Clarksville Highway, has closed after a mold was found in the fire hall. Nashville Fire Department Station 24 (WSMV). Personnel assigned to Station 24 notified supervisors they had found mold in the building. The fire department sent personnel from the safety office to conduct a site visit. Tiffany Cathey lives right down the road and says the fire station is always busy. It was comforting to know if something happened to her, she was seconds away from safety.

“This street is one way in, one way out, so we need something close by. Now that they might be leaving, I don’t know I have an issue with that.” Tiffany has children in her home and runs a catering business so she’s around the stove all day. Part of the appeal of the neighborhood was the safety of having a fire hall right down the street. “God forbid nothing happens but just in case, I do hope they fix that up and come back instead of trying to relocate because I don’t even know where the next one is close to the area.

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Why mold is most dangerous for those with asthma, allergies

This was a particularly bad summer for mold growth, according to local removal specialists, who point to factors such as above average humidity and plenty of rain. There are several steps people can take to try to prevent mold. Jack Howland/Poughkeepsie Journal

Living in a building with mold isn’t ever healthy, but it’s most dangerous for those who have asthma or mold allergies, a Knoxville allergist said.

Nearly 600 University of Tennessee students were notified this week, just before the start of fall break, that they must move out of Laurel Residence Hall after tests found mold in the building. Another residence hall, South Carrick, which houses 530 women, tested positive for mold in September and remediation work began there on Monday. Those students have not had to relocate.

Dr. Laura Green, an allergist with the Allergy, Asthma and Sinus Centers Powell office, said people with asthma may notice they have more difficulty controlling their symptoms when mold is present and might need more medication, or even hospitalization.

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Students at New School dorm relocated due to mold in building

GREENWICH VILLAGE, Manhattan (WABC) — Students who live at the 13th Street residence hall at the New School in Lower Manhattan are being re-located after mold was found in the building.

The school says they will be moved to other local housing while the dorm is thoroughly cleaned and repaired.

School officials also said there have been no reports of students who got sick due to the mold, and there is no reason to believe there is a health risk.

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Plan in place for students displaced by mold concerns at Connecticut school

WESTPORT, Connecticut (WABC) — For parents like Line Blanco, there is relief, because there is a plan that, for now, does not involve sending students back to Coleytown Middle School. It is where Blanco’s son developed his nasty rash last year.

At the time, Blanco did not think mold was the reason, but now she isn’t so sure. Dozens of students have been sickened this year – either from mold, or the fumes from industrial dehumidifiers set up to dry out the building.

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Camry and Camry Hybrid cars allegedly build up condensation and mold in the evaporators.

July 27, 2018 — Toyota Camry mold smells have caused a proposed class-action lawsuit that accuses Toyota of conspiracy and mail and/or wire fraud by concealing the alleged defect in millions of 2012–2017 Camry and Toyota Camry Hybrids.

Missouri plaintiff Javier Cardenas purchased a new 2014 Toyota Camry when he lived in Florida, a car he continues to own. Cardenas says he experienced a “funky, horrid, old smell” when turning on the air conditioner several months after buying the car.

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What’s new in allergy and immunology

Authors: Anna M Feldweg, MD Elizabeth TePas, MD, MS Contributor Disclosures

All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is complete.

Literature review current through: Jun 2018. | This topic last updated: Jun 29, 2018.

The following represent additions to UpToDate from the past six months that were considered by the editors and authors to be of particular interest. The most recent What’s New entries are at the top of each subsection.


Dupilumab for severe asthma (June 2018)

Dupilumab is a monoclonal antibody directed against the alpha subunit of the interleukin 4 (IL-4) receptor that is approved for use in atopic dermatitis and is being studied for use in severe asthma. In a multicenter trial, over 1900 patients ≥12 years of age with poorly controlled asthma were randomly assigned to one of two doses of dupilumab or placebo, injected subcutaneously, every two weeks for 52 weeks [1]. The annualized rates of severe exacerbations were decreased by approximately one-half in the dupilumab groups compared with placebo, and lung function was improved. The treatment effect appeared greater among participants with a baseline blood eosinophil count ≥300/microL or with an elevated fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FENO). Transient peripheral blood eosinophilia was noted in 4 percent of those taking dupilumab.

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Chronic inflammatory response syndrome caused by lyme disease or mold toxicity is on the rise. People are starting to become aware of this illness. They get their labs drawn, but many people don’t know how to understand their CIRS/mold toxicity lab results. That’s why I put together simple descriptions of the individual CIRS markers.

MARCoNS stands for multiple resistant coagulase negative staphylococci which is quite the mouthful! This bacteria colonizes deep into the nasal cavity where the nostrils meet the throat.

It is a different area than the sinuses. MARCoNS can produce biofilms which are slimy protective environments where other bacteria can grow and can cause chronic sinusitis. The biofilms can produce biotoxins that further increase inflammation and lower MSH levels.

These nasty bacteria are involved in the viscous cycle of CIRS/mold illness and must be eliminated to get well. This can be tested at:

MARCoNS usually come from our environment instead of from person to person contact. The reason people with CIRS get MARCoNS more often than healthy people, is because of the low MSH that allows it to grow. MSH protects the mucous membranes such as the gut and nose.

So when MSH is low, MARCoNS are able to take over. A positive culture will say MARCoNS POSITIVE, and a negative culture will say MARCoNS NEGATIVE.


Police Department Dealing With Roof Leaks, Mold, Rats

PORTSMOUTH, N.H. (AP) — A New Hampshire police department is dealing with rats, mold, and roof leaks.

The Portsmouth Herald reports Portsmouth Police Commissioner Joe Onosko said it’s “not a good work environment,” but everyone is “soldiering on.” Officials say fixes are being made to the leaks. Consultants are studying mold and air issues in preparation for a report and remediation plan. A rat also was found in the department’s kitchen over the holiday weekend. The department has dealt with rates since at least 2014. Information from: Portsmouth Herald,

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Mold Plagues NJ Renters Who Have Nowhere To Run

IT RAINS INSIDE SHANICA JAMES’ DAMP APARTMENT. NJ RENTERS FACE MOLD PROBLEMS WITHOUT ANY SAFEGUARDS, AN APP RENTER HELL INVESTIGATION FOUND. Shannon Mullen @mullenapp Try explaining to a 6-year-old boy that he can’t live with his mother because her apartment is ridden with mold. Shanica James has tried. But her son, Cafarie, a smart, high-spirited first-grader, just doesn’t understand. For the past four months, ever since James, a 27-year-old nursing home worker, discovered pervasive dark mold hiding behind the drop ceiling tiles in their living room, they’ve lived some 90 miles apart. Worried about her son’s health, James sent him to live with his father in Vineland, Cumberland County. Meanwhile, she’s been living alone in their musty one-bedroom apartment in Brick, which is so damp it literally rains indoors. Whenever it rains or snows, she says, water seeps from the roof down into the second-floor unit, forming beads of moisture that cling to the discolored ceiling like dew on a bruised peach. More: Renter Hell, Part 1: Billions for squalor The people most likely to fall through the cracks are low-income renters like Shanica James. A single mom from Jamaica, she makes $13 an hour working 60 to 80 hours per week as a certified home health aide and nursing assistant at a nursing home in Wall. Mold adds another element of risk to the calculus of renting. Eradicating it is another roll of the dice since mold remediation contractors in New Jersey don’t need to be licensed or have any special certification, as they do in New York and a handful of other states. Mold is a fungus. To thrive, it needs a warm, moist environment and something to eat, be it drywall, insulation, carpet glue or dirt. All it takes is a leaky pipe or a buildup of condensation due to insufficient ventilation to create the ideal growing conditions. Sometimes it’s visible, as it is on James’ ceiling, and other times it’s hidden, quietly lurking inside walls, basements, crawl spaces or air-conditioning units. Read more here:


Students, tenants dealing with toxic mold problem at Murfreesboro apartment complex

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. (WKRN) – More and more complaints are pouring into News 2 by email and Facebook about possible mold issues at a Murfreesboro Apartment complex where mostly MTSU students live. Donte Kirk first started noticing the possible mold problem back in November. “It was normal at first; it was just a small amount it wasn’t anything serious,” Kirk said. “I know I went home for Christmas and I came back and then you know it was just black, it was dark, ugly, my room was stuffy it was terrible.” He said he filed out multiple work orders, at the office of The Pointe at Raiders Campus Apartments, but nothing was done about it, then he started getting sick. “I couldn’t breathe,” Kirk said. “I was weezing and I knew I needed something.” Kirk said he was rushed to the emergency room and was diagosed with an upper respiratory infection. He decided to have the fungus tested. Lab results showed it was toxic black mold. Read more:


Possible Mold in the Walls and an Unresponsive Board

Q. I live in a co-op in Midtown West. My living room wall abuts the wall of a new building. My wall was damaged during its construction, and mold keeps growing on it. Because of a licensing agreement between my co-op board and the new development, the developer’s contractors have cleaned the mold and replaced the dry wall three times in two years. But, they do not share the mold test results with me, nor have they provided me with remediation paperwork; they say that verbal confirmation is enough. My co-op board and managing agent are not helping me get the paperwork either, ignoring my written requests. What can I do? A. Mold is serious and needs to be taken care of. Although black mold is toxic, common molds can be harmful to your health, too. If you are allergic to mold, it could cause a reaction or exacerbate asthma, and if your immune system is compromised from an illness like HIV or AIDS, such exposure could pose a serious health threat, said Dr. Louis DePalo, a pulmonology professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Read more:


Students, tenants dealing with toxic mold problem at Murfreesboro apartment complex

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. (WKRN) – More and more complaints are pouring into News 2 by email and Facebook about possible mold issues at a Murfreesboro Apartment complex where mostly MTSU students live. Donte Kirk first started noticing the possible mold problem back in November. “It was normal at first; it was just a small amount it wasn’t anything serious,” Kirk said. “I know I went home for Christmas and I came back and then you know it was just black, it was dark, ugly, my room was stuffy it was terrible.” He said he filed out multiple work orders, at the office of The Pointe at Raiders Campus Apartments, but nothing was done about it, then he started getting sick. “I couldn’t breathe,” Kirk said. “I was weezing and I knew I needed something.” Kirk said he was rushed to the emergency room and was diagosed with an upper respiratory infection. He decided to have the fungus tested. Lab results showed it was toxic black mold. Read more:


Possible Mold in the Walls and an Unresponsive Board

Q. I live in a co-op in Midtown West. My living room wall abuts the wall of a new building. My wall was damaged during its construction, and mold keeps growing on it. Because of a licensing agreement between my co-op board and the new development, the developer’s contractors have cleaned the mold and replaced the dry wall three times in two years. But, they do not share the mold test results with me, nor have they provided me with remediation paperwork; they say that verbal confirmation is enough. My co-op board and managing agent are not helping me get the paperwork either, ignoring my written requests. What can I do? A. Mold is serious and needs to be taken care of. Although black mold is toxic, common molds can be harmful to your health, too. If you are allergic to mold, it could cause a reaction or exacerbate asthma, and if your immune system is compromised from an illness like HIV or AIDS, such exposure could pose a serious health threat, said Dr. Louis DePalo, a pulmonology professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Read more:


Confronting a ghost of Hurricane Harvey: Mold

For months, Ed and Candy Mathiasen have navigated around furniture set up in the middle of their living room, their Friendswood home still a work-in-progress after 20 inches of water sat in their home for three days from Hurricane Harvey. Volunteers helped muck out the home and remove wet drywall and insulation, but then it took seven weeks of living in a gutted home with fans and dehumidifiers in every room. Ed spot-checked various places in the house several times a day to gauge how well the home was drying out. Before the hurricane, the 74-year-old retired NASA engineer didn’t even know what a moisture meter was. Now he owns one. Read more:


South Carolina County Employees Sue Over Courthouse Mold

Some County employees in South Carolina are suing over illnesses they say they suffer because of mold in a courthouse. SPARTANBURG, S.C. (AP) — Some county employees in South Carolina are suing over illnesses they say they suffer because of mold in a courthouse. Local media report five Spartanburg County employees have sued the county and 10 unnamed defendants because of health problems that range from eye irritation, nose bleeds, breathing problems, fatigue, memory loss, headaches and ears ringing. The suit was filed late last week as consultants look for a place to move courthouse workers out of the building because of mold problems first discovered in August 2016. Read more:


Indiana Rules Regarding Mold in Rental Properties

Here’s what Indiana landlords (and tenants) need to know about mold and the law. By Ron Leshnower Every landlord should take mold seriously. A top environmental hazard, mold thrives in warm, damp places, and often grows quickly in basements, attics, and other parts of buildings with poor ventilation and humidity problems. Although mold is often associated with buildings in wet climates, no rental property is immune from a mold outbreak, as one can occur following an unattended spill, faulty plumbing, or even a misdirected lawn sprinkler. If you own or manage a rental property in Indiana, a mold problem could present you with costly cleanup and repair bills as well as lawsuits from tenants claiming that the mold made them ill. Read on to learn about landlord responsibilities and tenant rights when it comes to mold in Indiana rental properties. Read more:


State AG’s office forced to relocate after mold found in John Sevier building

The state attorney general’s office has had to vacate the John Sevier State Office Building after a possibly dangerous mold was found throughout, according to a spokesman for the Department of General Services. General Services spokesman David Roberson said Tuesday that cleaning staff discovered mold in different parts of the building, located at 500 Charlotte Ave., and workers believed it should be tested. “Testing in the building revealed the presence of (the mold) was in concentrations high enough to be a potential health concern,” Roberson said. “It’s throughout the building. In some places (concentrations) are higher than others. Because these concentrations can fluctuate, you can’t say that certain areas are OK and that others are problematic.” Read more:


Mold forces family out of Hendricks County house

HENDRICKS COUNTY, Ind. — From the outside, the house looked picture perfect, but the work it has taken to fix it required a dumpster and years of patience. Marine veteran Jason Lee and his wife bought a Brownsburg home in June 2013. It was in foreclosure. On the way out, the previous owners left a bathroom sink on, so the house sat wet for a while. The eventual seller disclosed the problem and said the house was professionally treated and tested. The remediation company Greater Indianapolis Property Damage Restoration Specialists offered a 15-year warranty. Six months later, the family discovered the mold was still growing in their walls… Read more:


Neighbors Divided Over Mold Concerns At Crofton Place

Crofton Place residents and activists disagree over mold concerns at the property. Texas Organizing Project says they have proof. What was supposed to be a simple press conference about mold from flood-damage ended in a yelling match. Activist group Texas Organizing Project is trying to point out moldy conditions in low-income housing across Houston. The group said many Houston residents can’t find affordable housing that is safe and clean and scheduled a press conference at Crofton Place Apartments to draw attention to the problem. They claim to have documentation of mold in the apartments, including letters from doctors recommending that some tenants find other places to live. However, Croft Place residents there were not having it. The event quickly devolved into yelling between residents Read more:


Verbal fight breaks out during press conference for allegedly mold-infested apartments in northwest Houston

HOUSTON – It was supposed to be a discussion about mold, but instead it got nasty! “Steve’s a good man!” a resident named Miss Vern shouted. “Why Y’all do that? Like we had rats? The rats…the mold been here!” Members of the Texas Organizing Project (TOP) planned a peaceful press conference Tuesday at the Crofton Place Apartments to call attention to some mold-infested apartments on the city’s northwest side. But things turned ugly in a hurry! Read more:


Restaurant Scorecard: Mold and live bugs at hotel restaurant; Italian and breakfast stops get perfect scores MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF)

Some moldy food is no longer in one kitchen, but if you’re looking for authentic Italian or a stack of hot cakes for breakfast, we’ve got you covered in this week’s Restaurant Scorecard. First up, with room for some improvement according to inspectors with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, is…  Read more:


Family questions cleanliness of hospital rooms at Tristar Centennial NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV)

If you should need to go to the hospital, you would obviously expect your room to be clean. That’s what one family assumed until they took a second look during a visit. The patient had been staying in his room at Tristar Centennial Medical Center for three days when his family finally spotted the issue. Now a spokesman is saying the hospital fell short. Monica Jennings went to Tristar Centennial on Sunday to see her fiance’s brother. She had no clue she’d also be seeing something she said was growing in his room. “I was blown back,” she said. Jennings said her future brother in-law is at Sarah Cannon Cancer Center. She said she discovered what she believes is mold on his bed table. It is a surface used as a desk and a place to eat. Read More:


Replacement Eyed for Mold-Infested West Lafayette City Hall WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. (AP)

Officials in West Lafayette are starting work toward replacing its mold-infested City Hall that was torn down in February. The city’s Redevelopment Commission is seeking proposals from companies to recommend the location and size for the new City Hall, along with what offices it should include. Mayor John Dennis tells the Journal & Courier the city could move into an existing building or construct a new one. Government departments have been scattered around the city since the old City Hall was closed in 2014 after crews found extensive mold problems in the 1970s-era building. Officials determined it would be too expensive to remove the mold. City development director Erik Carlson says it could be three to four years before a new City Hall is ready. Read More:


Councilman questions conditions inside Nashville fire hall

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) – News 4 obtained pictures of the inside of the Engine 32 Fire Hall in Nashville from Councilman Steve Glover, who took them after he began receiving complaints. “I was appalled by what I saw,” Glover said. “We have rotted kitchen appliances, cabinetry. I mean, if the health department came in I don’t think it would pass a health inspections.” Glover said Metro Council approved funding for a new fire hall two years ago. It’s supposed to be built on land the city already owns. He and many others now want to know what’s the hold-up and why firefighters must work and live among what appears to be mold. “There is never one minute of any given day of given month of any given year that these folks aren’t out there working on our behalf, and why we don’t think it’s critical to take care of their needs is beyond my concept,” Glover said. A spokesperson for the Nashville Fire Department said, “Now that News 4 has brought it to our attention…. Read more:


Filthy conditions inside Metro school making students and teachers sick

It’s the last thing you’d expect to see in a Metro school. Filthy conditions that concerned a teacher so much he secretly took photos and recorded it. So why won’t the superintendent of schools talk to the Channel 4 I-Team about it? That teacher says he’s been upset for a while with what he’s seen in the vents above his students’ heads. And that’s not all. A family whose children attend that school say what you’re about to see is proof of a serious mold problem. The teacher who made the videos in our story has to remain anonymous because he’s still employed at Bellevue Middle School. But he says he had to come forward with what he documented. And our investigation found his isn’t the only school in the city where parents have complained that mold is affecting student’s health. Read more:


Thousands likely to be killed by Hurricane Irma’s deadly legacy

By Debora MacKenzie About 200 people are thought to have been killed by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma in the Caribbean and southern US. But many more will feel knock-on health effects in the coming weeks and years: from infections and toxic chemicals released by the floodwaters, from stress, and even as a result of working to rebuild shattered cities. The immediate death toll has fortunately fallen far short of the 1800 people who died when Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans in 2005, partly because of better emergency preparation. But thousands are still at risk. So far, most health reports have come from the US, the wealthiest country affected. “As with Katrina, we’re seeing an increase in diarrhea and respiratory illnesses in evacuation centers,” says Peter Hotez at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, where Hurricane Harvey hit on 25 August. Common respiratory viruses spread faster and cause worse disease among crowded, stressed people. Read more:


In Harvey’s aftermath, mold and waiting. Lots of waiting.

They idled the afternoon away, stationed behind a barricade of half-inch plywood that kept the boat wake from rolling through their front door. The water on the street had turned from clear to brown, and gone up and down for days. Drew Connor, 33, gauged its height where it lapped at the bricks on his mailbox pillar. “It looks like it’s gone down a brick,” he told his wife. Water had not crept into their home in west Houston, but with no Internet or television, he and his wife, Hailey Hughes, had little to do but sit on the stoop, and wait — as their neighborhood reverted to wilderness. Fish hawks hunted on the streets. The night buzzed like a jungle. Houses began to decay. Read more:


Inside Moldy, Largely Destroyed Houston Apartments, the Rent Is Due [UPDATED]

Arthuro Martinez is sleeping on a couch, without cushions, in the middle of his largely destroyed and musty apartment. Carlos Adolfo Rubio and his wife, Gloria, are sharing one mattress with their two children, after losing just about everything else. And Maria Soto says no matter what room she and her kids sleep in — two of them have autism — there is mold growing on the walls. There is mold growing on all of their walls. But the rent is due. Read more:


Why disaster recovery is a long, slow process

There are two distinct phases to disasters like hurricanes Harvey and Irma: the immediate response, generally lead by FEMA, which seeks to ensure residents in the path of the storm are safe, dry and fed. As the flood waters recede, that response then gives way to the long-term recovery. Funding for this second phase requires a special appropriation from Congress, which can take weeks. Once passed, much of the housing money typically flows through the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and then into community block grants to state and local governments. Read more:


Allergic Reaction to Mold May Trigger Bronchiectasis in COPD Patients, Study in Belgium Reports

An allergic reaction to mold may increase the risk of people with COPD developing bronchiectasis, a disorder that involves damaged lung airways, according to researchers in Belgium. The team at University Hospitals Leuven and KU Leuven reported that antibodies against the common mold Aspergillus (A.) fumigatus were much more common in COPD patients than in healthy people. They also reported a connection between the mold and bronchiectasis. Read more:


This Is What’s Living In New York City’s Subways

Here’s a beautiful guide to the bacteria living beneath the city. By Jacqueline Howard A stunning new portrait series reveals an up-close glimpse of the germs growing in New York City’s subway cars. Brooklyn-based artist Craig Ward rode the city’s 22 subway lines this past summer and used sterilized sponges to collect bacterial samples from hand rails, seats and other surfaces. He pressed the bacteria into petri dishes coated with agar, incubated them and then photographed them at various stages of development. Read more:


Core Civic, Nashville health give conflicting stories on mold amid jail scabies outbreak

Nashville health officials say the original reason inmates at a local jail didn’t receive scabies treatment immediately after complaining of skin rashes is because a doctor working for the jail operator thought the rashes were a result of mold. Read more:


Insurers Worry About Toxic Mold

More and more homeowners are filing insurance claims and lawsuits over toxic mold, and insurance companies are worried the claims could overwhelm them. “The insurance companies thought the asbestos problem was enormous, and this is going to make that look small,” said Jeff Greene, a public insurance adjuster. In Texas, several insurance companies have asked the state to allow them to drop mold coverage from homeowners’ policies. Today, several hundred homeowners showed up at a public hearing on the issue held by the Texas Department of Insurance. Earlier this month, a Texas jury awarded $32 million to a woman for what mold did to her 22-room mansion and the mental anguish she went through. The insurer she sued, Farmers Insurance Group, was among the companies seeking relief from the state. Linked to Health Problems Toxic mold is in millions of homes and offices and schools across the United States. The term refers to various strains of mold that are blamed for an ever-expanding list of ailments, ranging from sinus infections and headaches, to chronic fatigue and even short-term memory loss. Read more:


SILENT KILLERS: TOXIC MOLD (Stachybotrys can infest a house)

Since the movie bearing her name appeared, everyone knows who Erin Brockovich is: the working mother who traced illnesses in a small California town to groundwater contaminated by Pacific Gas and Electric. After the case was settled for hundreds of millions of dollars, Brockovich got a big promotion, and now divides her time between her job and motivational speaking. She lives in a million-dollar home near Los Angeles, with her third husband, Eric Ellis, and the youngest of her 3 children – 11-year-old Beth Brockovich says it is the house she always wanted. The bonus she got from winning the lawsuit made her dream possible. But then it turned into a nightmare, 48 HoursCorrespondent Susan Spencer reports. For months, touring her home required a hazmat suit. The house was filled with slimy black mold called Stachybotrys Read more:


Is it Mental Illness or Mold Toxicity?

By Mark Filidei, D.O. One of my chief tasks as the Director of Integrative Medicine at Amen Clinics is to work up what we call a “toxic brain” as seen on SPECT imaging. Amen Clinics currently has the largest database of brain SPECT scans in the world, and it affords us a unique view into the functions of the brain. When working up a toxic, or “encephalopathic,” SPECT scan finding, many etiologies need to be considered including toxins, infections, allergies, medications, and head trauma. Near the top of my list of possible culprits of abnormal SPECT scans are infections and toxins, especially Lyme disease and toxic mold exposure. Read More:


The Once Invisible Link Between Mold and Alzheimer’s Can No Longer Be Ignored

Before I start answering the “can mold cause Alzheimer’s” question, let’s first review some general information about this dreaded disease. Statistics from the Alzheimer’s Association cite over 5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which accounts for 60 to 80 percent of all cases of dementia. That number includes 11 percent of individuals age 65 and older and one-third of those age 85 and older. Read more:


State Encourages People to Test Homes for Radon

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) – Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer for non-smokers in the United States. Idaho is one of the worst states when it comes to high levels of Radon in homes. Which is why the Idaho Dept. of Health and Welfare wants homeowners to test their home for the radioactive gas. “Everyone should test their home for radon because you do not know if you have high levels unless you do test,” said Jim Faust with the dept. of health and welfare. Radon, a radioactive, odorless gas emitted from the soil is surprisingly common in North Carolina, and it is a concern for homeowners or those looking to buy a house. A home inspection should always include a radon test. Radon can seep into homes and buildings through cracks. Inhaling it has been linked to lung cancer, killing an alarming 21,000 people a year. If a home test shows high levels of radon, it’s not the end of the world. Radon-related deaths are connected with exposure over the course of a lifetime, and Consumer Reports says that exposure can be dealt with. Read more:


Teacher Claims Lab ‘Confirmed the Presence of Mold’ at Bellevue Middle Prep in Nashville; School Officials Deny

School officials say Bellevue Middle Prep does not have a mold problem, despite talk on social media and at least one teacher who claims that a sample taken from the school confirmed the presence of molds, according to the lab that tested it. In a March 21 email to staff obtained by The Tennessee Star, Principal Mark Pittman said, “You may have heard about or seen some social media reports about possible mold or poor air quality in our school.” He went on to say that the Department of Workplace Safety has inspected the school at least three times or four times this year but has not found mold, though did conclude that the school needs a thorough cleaning, which Pittman said would be done that week. Pittman also said that an independent lab test of the air quality found nothing out of the normal range. Read more:


Radon Gas turns family’s dream home into nightmare

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) – You can’t see it, smell it or taste it, but it kills 20,000 people each year, and there’s a good chance Radon Gas is in your home. Radon gas is a radioactive gas that lurks under millions of homes in the United States, with Tennessee being one of the states with higher concentrations. It’s the second leading cause of lung cancer. One family in Bellevue found out the hard way just how dangerous it can be. They also learned getting rid of it can be costly. Ed Petterson and his wife Jane thought they had bought that perfect home in Bellevue four months ago. “We wanted something quiet, serene and out of the way, and it had a nice view and good acoustics,” said Petterson. But it wasn’t long before their dream home turned into a nightmare. Read more:


Family’s Detroit apartment overtaken by mold

Mold growing out of control all over a Detroit apartment. A worried mom says she’s been asking her landlord to fix it, but so far nothing has been done. Now her kids are getting sick. “There is mold over there in the corner,” said Cherelle Ingram. Read more:


Fight over mold in apartments boils over at Bellevue complex

A mold problem has grown into an all-out health hazard for residents of a Bellevue apartment building. Tenants say the owner ignored their concerns and entire walls are now coming down. Wednesday night, the fight boiled over and police officers were called to Echo Arms Apartments. READ MORE:


A Moldy Home, a Flu-Like Illness and the Deaths of Brittany Murphy and Simon Monjack

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New Yorker left BEDRIDDEN for almost a decade and sick all of her adult life after being poisoned by toxic mold in her apartment basement

  • Dana Anhalt suffered allergies and was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2016
  • The writer, from Huntington, New York, just realised her home had mold
  • She started vomiting after eating and became allergic to pain medication

Read more:



A rarely discussed fungus epidemic is spreading throughout America Read More:


Is mold making you sick? By Christina Rice

Have you been feeling sick and doctors keep telling you that you are fine; that it is in your head? Do you feel like you have lost your personality? Could you be reacting to mold or have Lyme disease? If you had told me six years ago that all my ailments stemmed from mold and Lyme disease I would have been skeptical. I grew up on a farm; I worked on a farm; I had been around mold my whole life and I didn’t think it bothered me. Wrong.  Read more:


Officials debate severity of mold problem in Spencer County Sheriff’s Department

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) — Spencer County leaders are debating how severe the mold problem is in the building that housed the Spencer County Sheriff’s Department and what the remedy might be. The debate took place Wednesday inside an Oldham County court, after a Spencer County judge recused himself. On Wednesday in court, a local pathologist testified on the potential health impacts of mold on the human body. A project manager with SERVPRO, a certified mold remediation company, testified on preliminary proposal of remediating the mold.  Read more:


How to get rid of condensation in your home

The colder weather can lead to damp windows and mouldy walls. Here’s what causes condensation– and how to banish it. Whether it was in student digs or a tumble dryer-less first house, we’ve all dried our wet clothes on radiators, kept our windows sealed… and seen the inevitable mould have a field day. Read more:


Indian River County fire stations remediated for mold, but effects remain

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The county spent almost $2 million in recent years cleaning four fire stations to remove mold that apparently was making firefighters sick. Yet the county has not retestedair quality in those stations since the massive cleanup ended last year, saying no new mold-related claims have been filed. Nevertheless, firefighters in at least one of those stations complain the mold is returning, a Treasure Coast Newspapers investigation found. There’s mold in the day-room access at Station 11 in Wabasso, according to a June 5 email from Fire Rescue Lt. Todd Porter to county officials.  Read more:


Lavallette’s $387,000 mold problem

A mold infestation inside the borough’s new, $387,000 lifeguard headquarters has forced municipal officials to close the building just a few months after it was completed, said Mayor Walter G, LaCicero. Wallace Contracting of Brick installed the modular unit for the borough as part of Lavallette’s reconstruction efforts after superstorm Sandy devastated Ocean County’s northern barrier island four years ago.  Read more:


Video Report: Mold is growing inside a retired nurse’s nose

KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) – Sheryl Hayes has been sick for years, suffering from a constant runny nose, eye problems, and fatigue. Doctors say mold is behind all of it. Her mold problem was discovered through urinalysis testing at Saint Luke’s Medical Center. Doctors say the mold is now growing and multiplying inside her sinuses.  Read more:


Is Alzheimer’s Caused by Mold?

I belong to a group of neuroscientists who concentrate their studies on neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and ALS. The group releases summaries of the latest research in the field of neurodegeneration, along with comments by member neuroscientists. One of our latest releases was a discussion of some research from Spain that found evidence of mold throughout the brain of 100 percent of Alzheimer’s patients examined — and none in the brains of healthy control subjects. The idea that fungal infections might be related to dementia is not new. In 1910, Oskar Fischer, a contemporary of Alois Alzheimer, suggested that fungi were a possible cause of dementia. Since then, a number of other infectious agents have been suspected, including chlamydia and herpes simplex-1. In a previous study, these same researchers found fungi in Alzheimer’s brains but not normal control brains. These researchers used special antibodies to identify the fungi and show that they were fully intact organisms. The fungi were concentrated in the same areas of the brain as we see the greatest pathology in Alzheimer’s dementia: the entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, frontal cortex, and cerebellum. In all, the researchers found six different species of fungi — all of which are commonly found on skin and in soil.  Read more: 


Teacher blames property inspector, maintenance providers for mold exposure

BEAUMONT — A teacher is suing a Beaumont school district property inspector and maintenance providers, alleging their negligence led to her being exposed to mold. Ashli Feacher of Beaumont filed a lawsuit Nov. 7 in Jefferson County District Court against EMSL Analytical Inc. and Total Safety US Inc., alleging they breached their duty to properly inspect and maintain the premises.  Read more:


Ekcoe Central public school: Mold clean-up tab hit $400K

Cleaning Ekcoe Central elementary school of its mold issue and restoring it to full use this fall cost $400,000. The Thames Valley District school board also spent $574,000 to fast-track additional renovations that had been planned there for next year, the board says. Pupils spent most of their first three weeks of this school year at Glencoe District high school after officials found mould in some classrooms that had been sealed for much of the summer. Everything in all the classrooms had to be cleaned or tossed. Walls, floors, desks, chairs and chalkboards had to be scrubbed. All the ceiling tiles needed to be replaced and the ventilation system cleaned. The cleaning bill amounted to about $250,000. The cost of replacing classroom materials — books, area rugs and other porous substances — was another $140,000.  Read more:


“Mold Doctor” loses lawsuit bid, unloads on FOX 5 I-Team

GAINESVILLE, Ga. – A controversial mold expert in Gainesville lost his attempt to sue his landlord who he blamed for allegedly making his family sick. The FOX 5 I-Team began investigating complaints earlier this year against author Michael Pugliese and the Alpharetta clinic he once operated. Former employees and former patients filed complaints with the Georgia Medical Board and state regulators claiming the special system Pugliese and his clinic promotes to help people overcome mold exposure was actually making them sicker. Among other things, Pugliese and his National Treatment Centers for Environmental Disease called for “bowel evacuation”… eating “white rice and canned chicken white meat for 3 days”… and avoiding all dairy… all sugar.. all gluten grains… all beans.  Read more:


Mold cleanup at Sexton High School

LANSING, Mich (WLNS) – We have an update now to a story we first told you about in October. 6 News obtained pictures of what looked to be mold on the ceilings of Sexton High School. Originally school officials said immediate tests for mold had come back negative. But a company did find mold inside the building but that’s not all. The “mold evaluation report” for Sexton High School is in and the results are interesting. Evaluators found a 4-inch patch of mold in the 4th floor hallway. The affected tile has been removed. But it turns out the other dark spots in the pictures we showed you were food and drink stains on hallway ceiling tiles. The stains showed up on the first through third floors. “Fibertec Industrial Hygiene Services”, the company that did the evaluation, put together six recommendations for the Lansing School District moving forward. Removing the moldy ceiling tile was on it and cleaning the food stains is also on that list. The list also includes repairing damaged plaster and metal ceiling tiles as well as repairing some exposed pipe insulation in a stairwell. The superintendent tells us that all recommendations should be met sometime today.  Read more:


NYCHA paints over Brooklyn housing project’s toxic mold issue, which continues to put tenants at risk years after Hurricane Sandy

Toxic mold continues to plague the Red Hook public housing complex four years after it was hit hard by Hurricane Sandy, according to a survey released Thursday. The survey by the Red Hook Initiative finds that out of 280 respondents of the Red Hook Houses, 40% said they currently have mold and 94% have had leaks and mold in the past. “It is completely unacceptable,” said Jill Eisenhard, the founder of the Red Hook Initiative. “It is at the stage to becoming a public health crisis. We need to hold people accountable.” In many cases, New York City Housing Authority repairmen at one of the city’s oldest public housing projects simply scrape off the mold and paint over it, residents say. But the problem comes back with a vengeance a few weeks later, tenants complain.  Read More:


The Growing Mold Problem in New York City’s Public Housing

The infestation worsened after Hurricane Sandy, and a Brooklyn-based advocacy group is calling for a solution. You can feel mold as soon as you walk into an apartment. It’s almost like the air is heavier,” says Catherine McBride, the community development program manager for the Red Hook Initiative in Brooklyn. Since Hurricane Sandy in 2012, residents of the Red Hook Houses in Brooklyn—one of the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) developments most affected by the storm—have lived with worsening mold conditions in their apartments, and have received inadequate help from NYCHA. In response to a persistent community call for action, the Red Hook Initiative (RHI), a local youth development organization, conducted a survey of mold conditions in the local public housing complex. The results were released in a report this week.  Read More:


Toxic mold at Spartanburg Courthouse still a concern after cleanup

SPARTANBURG, SC (WSPA) – The mold problem at the Spartanburg County Courthouse is not over. That’s the concern of the Clerk of Court, who says employees are worried the remediation has not cleaned up all the mold. The remediation was supposed to have wrapped up in late September, but just last week, more toxic mold was found and work done to remove it over the weekend. Tuesday Clerk of Court Hope Blackley showed us the latest area of the Spartanburg County Courthouse to undergo remediation, a section of interior wall near the employee entrance that was never in the original clean-up plan. Read more:


In Hurricane Matthew aftermath, crews begin shifting to recovery

Ryan Christian and Delores Miller canoe down West Fifth Street after checking on Miller’s elderly mother’s home in downtown Lumberton after Hurricane Matthew caused downed trees, power outages and massive flooding along the Lumber River Tuesday.  RALEIGH More than a week after Hurricane Matthew dumped torrential rains on North Carolina, emergency management officials are beginning to shift focus from response to recovery, as floodwaters begin to slowly recede. Three rivers remained in major flood stage Sunday afternoon and more than 2,000 people were still living in shelters, officials said. To help people get into temporary housing and out of shelters, the Federal Emergency Management Agency said it is working quickly to get money and resources to residents. “We’ve got 33,000 people registered so far, and about $12.5 million is out on the street and in the hands of people who need it,” said Andrew Innis a public assistance manager in the state’s emergency management division. FEMA has set up two disaster recovery centers in Rocky Mount as well as sites in Lillington and Wilson, and more are expected to be opened soon, Innis said. Read more:


St. Clair Shores Firehouse Closed Because of Mold

The firehouse emergency could create an emergency in the event of a fire; temporary relocation may slow response times by two minutes. By Beth Dalbey (Patch Staff) – October 5, 2016 10:14 pm ET ST. CLAIR SHORES, MI — Firefighters have temporarily abandoned their posts at a St. Clair Shores firehouse after a leaking roof created a dangerous mold situation, and neighbors who depend on firefighters stationed on the city’s north side aren’t happy. Read more:


Mold removal bill grows to $292,000 at Hillsborough High School

HILLSBOROUGH – The cost of removing the mold discovered at Hillsborough High School has reached $292,000. At the beginning of the school year, there were 12 “spaces” in the high school that were identified as having mold — seven classrooms, two teacher work rooms, the video conference room in the library and the auditorium, according to high school Principal Karen Bingert. Read more:


Dartmouth senior fed up with major mold problem, fighting for change

A Dartmouth senior says she’s fed up after fighting with her landlord to clean up mold in her apartment for the last two years. Global’s Natasha Pace reports. Read more:


Bosses Dodge Deadly Workplace Mold Suit

SAN FRANCISCO (CN) — Two Clark County Health District supervisors are entitled to qualified immunity after their employee died from toxic mold exposure in their facility, a divided Ninth Circuit ruled Thursday. The three-judge panel found that Wendy Pauluk, the widow of Daniel Pauluk, and her daughters Jaime and Chrissy successfully demonstrated that Daniel had a 14th Amendment right to a safe workplace under the state-created danger doctrine. Read more:


Louisiana Homes Threatened By Mold Growth After Devastating Floods | Mold Poses Hidden Menace in Louisiana

Homes that survived the Louisiana floods still face a threat from mold. Story Highlights Mold poses a large threat to homes in Louisiana after the devastating flooding event. The state Department of Health recommends calling in professionals to remove mold. Mold can cause severe allergic reactions and respiratory seizures that could be fatal. As Louisiana residents slowly begin to recover from the devastating floods that left at least 13 people dead, another menace continues to ravage homes. The inundation led to the growth of mold in many structures, even those in areas not prone to flooding. Read more:


Toxic mold complicating Bridgeport woman’s pregnancy

BRIDGEPORT – A Bridgeport woman says toxic mold has led to severe complications with her pregnancy. Mercedes Bowman tells News 12 that she was exposed to at least two types of toxic mold over a prolonged period of time. According to Bowman’s medical records, she was exposed to excessive levels of indoor mold in an apartment she recently moved out of and the contamination made her sick. Read more:


Fire District to Address Mold Issue at Peach Tree Fire Station

Excessive moisture in the Peach Tree station is plaguing the Clearwater Fire Protection District. Instead of fighting fires, firefighters have been battling to keep mold at bay at the station. Firefighters told the CFPD Board of Directors Monday evening that mold will grown on the walls within the station as well as the seats and steering wheels of the fire trucks. Several months ago, firefighters replaced dry wall in one part of the station with drywall that is recommended for damp places. That did not help the problem and mold has regrown on the wall. Read more:


Resident Fed Up With Mold Problem At Yukon Apartment

YUKON, Oklahoma – A resident at a Yukon, Oklahoma, apartment complex invited us in on Tuesday to show us his mold problems. Reporter Tiffany Liou said as soon as they walked in the door, they could see all different colors of mold on the ceiling. When they walked into the bedroom and the closet, there were more mold there, as well. The resident said his landlord is not taking care of the problem. Read more:


Mold problems at the Spartanburg Co. Courthouse

SPARTANBURG, S.C. (WSPA) – Staff at the Spartanburg County Courthouse are wearing masks after hearing the results on the health of the building. “I’m sure it’s this mold and everything that’s in here. I mean I’m just constantly rubbing my eyes. They’re just itching,” said county employee, Kimberly McKinney. Read more:



DURING MUCH OF her three years awaiting trial in New York’s Rikers Island jail, Candie Hailey was locked in a solitary confinement cell ventilated by a mold-covered air duct. The purpose of the vent was, of course, to pump fresh air into her 6-by-10-foot concrete room, but the mold infestation instead added to an array of hazards and discomforts that made her life unbearable at Rikers, where she made multiple attempts at suicide. Read more:


GAINESVILLE, Ga. – People who think they’re seriously sick from mold exposure in their home or office often complained they aren’t treated seriously by traditional doctors.

That’s why some turned to alternative medicine. But alternative can also mean unproven. Gainesville-based Biotrek Laboratories sold mold tests over the phone to concerned people who found the company on the internet. Some of those desperate and suffering patients may not like what the FOX 5 I-Team uncovered: videos shot by one worker showing testing materials not in a sterile location… but loaded into a pickup truck. Read more:


WCCO Investigation: New Mold Concerns At Jordan Elementary School

JORDAN, Minn. (WCCO) — A WCCO Investigation found new concerns about an old mold problem inside a Minnesota elementary school. Parents say at least 10 students dropped out of Jordan Elementary last school year after suffering health problems they blame on mold exposure. Two teachers left, too. Read more:


The unexpected places mold may be lurking in your home:

Rossen Reports TODAY National Investigative Correspondent Jeff Rossen tackles a subject most of us would rather just not think about: mold, lurking in unexpected places in your home. Find out where it could be hiding, and how to get rid of it to keep your family safe. Read more:


Results: Sippy cup sent to lab for testing after parents claim ‘MOLD’ made kids sick

Mothers in central Ohio discovered what looked like mold in sippy cup valves. WSYX/WTTE went to a private lab, Remedial Solutions, LLC to have a couple of the valves tested. Experts did not find mold but instead discovered thousands of colonies of bacteria growing in a petri dish over several days. That’s actually worse, said Kirk Ferchert, a bioengineer and mold expert with Remedial Solutions. Read more:


Judge to Appoint Monitor for Mold Repairs in New York Public Housing

A federal judge, frustrated by the slow pace of New York’s efforts to curb mold in public housing, will appoint a special master to ensure the city complies with an agreement to address the problem faster and more aggressively. Read more:


Is Hidden Mold at Home Making You Sick?

Except for an occasional asthma flare up, Caitlin Murray is a healthy, happy 5-year-old, who loves doing artwork. But three years ago, she was terribly sick, and no one could figure out why. “She would have terrible headaches and her face was swollen and she’d throw up sometimes for seven to 10 days,” Jill Murray, her mother said. “They tested her for cystic fibrosis, for leukemia, all kinds of diseases and they couldn’t find anything wrong with her. Read more:


Daily News | Building owners will be forced to register, test cooling towers to fight off Legionnaires’ disease 

The City Council passed new regulations Thursday to force building owners to register and test their cooling towers, aiming to combat future outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease Read more:


9/7/15 Read more: Local NYC Laws Regarding Cooling Towers State Laws Regarding Cooling Towers


Amanda Peterson — star of the flick “Can’t Buy Me Love” — has died at her home in Greeley, Colorado …mold issues for many years. 

Peterson’s father also says she had been living in a home with mold issues … but moved out about a year ago. Read more:


EXCLUSIVE: Mold-ridden NYCHA buildings could trigger long-term asthma problems…

Health experts say a year after promising to fix mold problems, NYCHA has largely failed to address systemic problems like roof and pipe leaks in its developments. Medical professionals point out that mold is linked to serious respiratory issues, including asthma. Read more:

12/14/14 A year ago this week, NYCHA signed a federal consent decree requiring it to aggressively remedy mold conditions for tenants with asthma, including fixing underlying causes like the faulty pipe in James’ bathroom. The first-of-its-kind suit charged NYCHA’s failure to address chronic mold violated the rights of tenants with asthma under the Americans With Disabilities Act. A year later, it’s difficult to quantify what NYCHA has done. All they do is come and paint over it. Next month, it’s all back. Read more:

11/13/14 Transportation Safety and Decontamination With the unknown looming of terrorist threats and new influenza/biological strains, the publics safety concern while using mass transportation has been growing over recent years since September 11th. Realizing that biological contamination can occur anywhere and at anytime, AuntieGen is ready to be dispatched within hours of any contamination problem and to provide proactive measures before hand as well. Read more:

10/24/14 MDF500 and its effectiveness on EBOLA Before understanding how disinfectants work against Ebola you must first understand what this virus is. Ebola is an RNA virus of which there are several groups and it has a lipid envelope. Read more:

8/10/14 Health advocates urge mold testing for Sandy-damaged homes. Long Island health advocates are urging residents to test their homes for mold, nearly two years after they may have been damaged by superstorm Sandy. According to a survey of residents affected by Sandy, 57 percent are still living in the same home flooded by the storm surge, according to the New York Committee for Occupational Health and Safety. Read more:

5/19/14 Mayor Bill de Blasio signs law from Staten Island’s Steven Matteo to require mold-proof building materials. Read more:

3/17/14 VALLEY HEAD, Ala. (WHNT)- Parents, teachers and students packed the gym at Valley Head High School Monday night.   They were there to listen to school leaders and also voice their own concerns over a mold problem inside the building. “We found it on the walls.   The baseboards.   We found it in closets. We found it on windows.  You name it.  We found it,” said parent Dave Vest. The mold was first discovered last fall.   School officials say they treated it then, but it returned.   The situation came to a head last Friday when plaster on a wall in one classroom started falling.  This raised fears that mold could be spread through the whole school. Read more:


Mold health issues are potentially harmful effects of molds. 

Molds (also spelled “moulds”) are ubiquitous in the biosphere, and mold spores are a common component of household and workplace dust. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in its June 2006 report, ‘Mold Prevention Strategies and Possible Health Effects in the Aftermath of Hurricanes and Major Floods,’ that “excessive exposure to mold-contaminated materials can cause adverse health effects in susceptible persons regardless of the type of mold or the extent of contamination.” Read more:


GovWatch: Mold fears lead to courthouse square protest

Half a dozen residents of a downtown public housing high-rise investigated by the I-Team last week took to the streets toting signs Friday, demanding that something be done. “Fix it and fix it right,” demanded Wilkinson Plaza resident Darshawn Romine. Romine was addressing Greater Dayton Premier Management, the Dayton region’s housing authority and the building’s landlord, which residents say have ignored complaints about mold in the building. “My health has deteriorated. I have seizures and they have become worse,” said resident Pamela Moss. Read more:

2/16/14 Gizmodo Energy-efficient buildings can be wonderful at keeping out drafts and keeping down heating bills. But the same air-tightness, unfortunately, is also perfect for trapping humid air where toxic mold can go to party. The Alberta Court of Appeal in Canada has been a mold-filled ghost building since 2001, after renovations to the handsome, 87-year-old sandstone building went awry. When the renovated and newly energy-efficient building reopened, according to ClimateWire, judges and attorneys complained of fatigue, irritated lungs, and watery eyes. Read more:


NYC Housing Authority brought to federal court over mold issues.

THE BRONX – The New York City Housing Authority is addressing issues of mold in its buildings after a lawsuit and settlement agreement was filed against them in federal court this week. Read more:


NY Daily News NYC Housing Authority to come under judicial oversight over mold in apartments

EXCLUSIVE: The federal judicial intervention is seen as a step toward resolving NYCHA’s inability to tackle an issue that affects hundreds of tenants citywide. Tenants and their attorneys can now go directly to a judge to slap financial penalties on the agency if it doesn’t get the job done right. Read more:

10/29/13 NBC News A year later, a house damaged by Superstorm Sandy stands protected by a fence in the Belle Harbor section in the Queens borough of New York City. Hundreds of buildings are still affected, and some people are dealing with health problems because of mold. Read more:

6/26/13 Insurers Worry About Toxic Mold More and more homeowners are filing insurance claims and lawsuits over toxic mold, and insurance companies are worried the claims could overwhelm them. “The insurance companies thought the asbestos problem was enormous, and this is going to make that look small,” said Jeff Greene, a public insurance adjuster. In Texas, several insurance companies have asked the state to allow them to drop mold coverage from homeowners’ policies. Today, several hundred homeowners showed up at a public hearing on the issue held by the Texas Department of Insurance. Earlier this month, a Texas jury awarded $32 million to a woman for what mold did to her 22-room mansion and the mental anguish she went through. The insurer she sued, Farmers Insurance Group, was among the companies seeking relief from the state. Read more:

10/09/10 North Carolina Firehouse Closed Due to Mold Oct. 08–Officials closed a Wilmington fire station Thursday after a safety officer found mold in the station’s duct work.